COVID-19 Policies and Procedures


*Clinic Update: MAR 23 2022

After consulting with all of our healthcare practitioners, the Ministry of Health’s current guidelines as well as looking at supporting evidence, we are making the decision to continue requiring all clients to wear a face mask, covering the nose, mouth and chin beyond April 27th 2022.

Our respective colleges have urged practitioners to err on the side of caution at this time until the effects of lifting restrictions can be assessed in the phased approaches. Coupled with the fact that we treat many individuals that are part of groups at risk of serious illness and are in very close contact with our patients helped to inform the clinic’s decision at this time.

Trust us, it’s not easy for all of our practitioners and staff to wear masks for hours on end, however the safety and well-being of the community we serve comes first.

We will revisit the policy frequently and keep everyone posted on any updates.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the clinic via email or phone.

- KLHC team 💙✨

Face Mask Policy - King Liberty Health Centre


A form will be emailed to you two (2) hours before your appointment time. These questions are part of a mandatory active screening for patients either exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or having been around someone that is. This form as well as the liability release MUST be completed before entry to the clinic is permitted. If you answer "yes" to two or more of the screening questions, you will not be permitted into the clinic and your appointment will be rescheduled or cancelled.

If you cancelled an appointment due to the onset of cold/flu symptoms or have been around someone that has tested positive for COVID-19, you are required to provide the clinic with proof of a negative COVID-19 test in order to keep your appointment.

We require ALL clients and patients to bring and correctly wear a face mask in our clinic space - this includes during treatment. They can either be cloth or disposable. Read here for more information on how to properly don and doff a face mask.

A staff member may take your temperature using a contact-less thermometer.


A face mask MUST be worn at all times while in the clinic space - this includes during treatment. Masks will be kept on by all healthcare practitioners and talking will be kept at a minimum.

Hands must be sanitized upon entering and exiting the clinic. At this time, the washroom is availabe to use upon request.

We ask that patients arrive alone to their appointments - meaning no accompanying guests or children will be permitted within the clinic. Since we have a small space, we cannot accommodate more than one person in our waiting area at a time. That being said, we ask you not to arrive more than 5 minutes before your appointment. If a member of our team is processing a client, you will be asked to wait in your car or outside. The front door will be locked until it is time for your appointment.

All receipts will be emailed. Please verify that we have the correct email on file at the time of booking.

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In addition to using medical-grade disinfectants and single use tools whenever possible, our therapists wash their hands between every treatment, wear disposable gloves if they have any open wounds on their hands and disinfect every surface after every treatment.

Linens, blankets, sheets and pillows will be changed and laundered after each appointment.

All surfaces in the washoom are disinfected after every use.